Time to ‘get your house in order’ in run-up to pension dashboard launch
After engaging with this content, which carries an indicative 30 minutes of CPD, you will be able to:
Describe some of the challenges of bringing the pensions dashboards up to working order
Explain what advisers should be doing to prepare their clients
Identify elements that can make the data difficult to deal with
Describe some of the challenges of bringing the pensions dashboards up to working order
Explain what advisers should be doing to prepare their clients
Identify elements that can make the data difficult to deal with
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Advisers and pension providers should be thinking about how they are going to get the most out of pensions dashboards for both themselves and their clients (Black ice/Pexels)
The single biggest change in the way the UK saves, engages and plans for retirement in a generation — the pensions dashboards — is coming, and sooner than providers and schemes may realise.
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