Talking PointAug 29 2024

What tech stocks' volatility tells us about the future of AI

After engaging with this content, which carries an indicative 30 minutes of CPD, you will be able to:

  • To be able to explain the reason behind recent volatility in tech stocks
  • To be able to explain the benefits of volatility to investors
  • To be able to identify the assets likely to benefit as AI develops further
  • To be able to explain the reason behind recent volatility in tech stocks
  • To be able to explain the benefits of volatility to investors
  • To be able to identify the assets likely to benefit as AI develops further
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What tech stocks' volatility tells us about the future of AI
While AI is currently dominated by large-caps, its implementation could open up possibilities for small and mid-caps

The artificial intelligence theme is dominated by mega cap companies.

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Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.
  1. Among the reasons for recent volatility in tech stocks, which of the following is the odd one out?
  2. According to Peter Garnry, why, in the short term, will volatility in the tech space increase?
  3. According to Chris Ainscough, which types of investors recovered the majority of the losses seen during the tech sell-off?
  4. True or false: Russ Mould says volatility is beneficial to investors because it gives them a chance to buy cheaply and sell expensively when others panic?
  5. Which types of assets are likely to benefit in the future as AI develops further?
  6. According to Rahul Bhushan, why do traditional valuation metrics fail to capture the full scope of opportunities presented by AI and other disruptive technologies?
  7. To bank your CPD you must Sign in or Register.