CPDPersonal Finance SocietyJan 22 2025PFS publishes economic abuse guide for advisersA good practice guide for advisers about economic abuse and life insurance has been published by the Personal Finance Society.
CPDChartered Insurance InstituteNov 20 2024Open letter: CII/PFS furore bringing sector into disrepute
CPDPersonal Finance SocietyNov 20 2024Loss of directors from PFS board presents ‘succession planning blip’
CPDAdviser technologyNov 14 2024‘Advisers looking to expand service offering should tread with caution’
CPDPersonal Finance SocietyJan 22 2025PFS publishes economic abuse guide for advisersA good practice guide for advisers about economic abuse and life insurance has been published by the Personal Finance Society.
CPDChartered Insurance InstituteNov 20 2024Open letter: CII/PFS furore bringing sector into disrepute
CPDPersonal Finance SocietyNov 20 2024Loss of directors from PFS board presents ‘succession planning blip’
CPDAdviser technologyNov 14 2024‘Advisers looking to expand service offering should tread with caution’